It's time once again for our annual Pumpkin Fest in Way Park! Please join your friends and neighbors for a festive fall celebration on Saturday, October 26 from 5:00–7:30 pm.
A wall of pumpkins will be lit around six o’clock. Families can carve pumpkins they bring to the event, or bring their pumpkins already carved. “We have some very creative pumpkin carvers every year,” said Michelle Martin, a volunteer with the event, “It’s amazing what people come up with.”
Kids (and adults) are encouraged to parade their costumes at six. Free face painting will be available throughout the event, and music will be provided by kid fiddlers and the Arcadia Charter School drum group. The Friends of Way Park will also provide caramel and apples to much on. A bonfire will light the night, and glow-in-the-dark tag will be added to the fun this year.
Volunteers from Transition Northfield will be on hand to help people compost their pumpkin parts and answer questions about the composting pilot being run in the neighborhood.