With the help of Northfield residents large and small, the Friends of Way Park are hoping to create a large display of lit pumpkins at our annual Pumpkin Fest in the park, this Saturday, October 27 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
The event will also include free face painting, a costume parade at 5:45, a bonfire, and drumming led by Arcadia Charter School at 6:30. Community members are invited to bring a picnic dinner. Friends of Way Park will provide pumpkin saws, apple caramel slices, and fun prizes for the pumpkin judging.
You can carve your pre-scooped pumpkin at the festival or you can bring your pumpkin already carved. Please bring candles for your pumpkins!
A Park for All Seasons
Way Park is the heart of a vibrant neighborhood on the west side of Northfield. It features: a musical playground; playground equipment and swings; pre-school equipment; a basketball court; picnic and grilling areas; a walking path; a warming hut and ice rink (seasonal); a small baseball/kickball diamond (seasonal); a large open field perfect for pick up soccer games and kite flying; and lovely rain gardens.
Our organization, The Friends of Way Park hosts several events every year including Yoga in the Park, Pumpkin Fest, and a spring picnic event.