Two new rain gardens were planted in Way Park the weekend of May 20th, thanks to the efforts of volunteers who showed up to help. The gardens are the result of a partnership among Friends of Way Park, the Cannon River Watershed Partnership, and the City of Northfield, plus grant support from the Northfield Area Foundation.
Rain gardens do a remarkable job of filtering water and keeping it in the ground, and thus limiting run-off and the silting of rivers all the way to the Mississippi. These are demonstration gardens intended to inspire homeowners. For more about rain gardens and building your own, visit the Maplewood Rain Gardens web page.
A Park for All Seasons
Way Park is the heart of a vibrant neighborhood on the west side of Northfield. It features: a musical playground; playground equipment and swings; pre-school equipment; a basketball court; picnic and grilling areas; a walking path; a warming hut and ice rink (seasonal); a small baseball/kickball diamond (seasonal); a large open field perfect for pick up soccer games and kite flying; and lovely rain gardens.
Our organization, The Friends of Way Park hosts several events every year including Yoga in the Park, Pumpkin Fest, and a spring picnic event.