A Park for All Seasons

Way Park is the heart of a vibrant neighborhood on the west side of Northfield. It features: a musical playground; playground equipment and swings; pre-school equipment; a basketball court; picnic and grilling areas; a walking path; a warming hut and ice rink (seasonal); a small baseball/kickball diamond (seasonal); a large open field perfect for pick up soccer games and kite flying; and lovely rain gardens. Our organization, The Friends of Way Park hosts several events every year including Yoga in the Park, Pumpkin Fest, and a spring picnic event.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Schedule for Midsommar 2008: Sunday, June 22.

Things are coming together for Sunday's midsummer celebration in Way Park. The weather report is still looking good! (St. John's is the rain site.) Here's a loose schedule of events for the evening...
  • 6 pm -- Activities and crafts begin. (This is your chance to make a flower wreath to wear in the processional.) Informal picnicking. Hot dogs and ice cream available for sale.
  • 6:15 -- Musicians gather near the stone wall in the park.
  • 6:30 -- Music begins (Hütenänny and friends—bring an instrument and join in!)
  • 7:00 -- Midsommar processional, followed by raising of the maistang (maypole).
  • 7:15 -- Scandinavian songs and dances.
  • 7:45 -- Bonfire is lit. More music and informal dancing until 8:30. Games, activities, food and fun continue throughout the evening.
See you Sunday!